It's a real nice morning at the inlet. A little foggy and cooler, fall is in the air! Winds are blowing out of the North-Northwest at 5 mph and gusting to 8. There is a light chop on the water. We are seeing a good variety of fish migrating in and out and passing the inlet on their way south.
We received an update from Jake Barker who fished the north beach and reported lots of bait in the water and on his first cast, landed the big Jack in our first photo today. Jake reported Tarpon everywhere, lots of cruising Sharks, Blues, Snook, Wahoo and Barracuda were busting up bait pods. Jake said you could throw out anything and get a hook up. In addition to his Jack, he put a Ladyfish on a shark rod, got a hook up and had a great fight on his hands, but his pulley rig messed up and the hook popped out. Great fight, but no shark!
Mike Ricciardi of Vero Beach fished the north jetty yesterday and reported that lots of bait continues to school around the jetty. Spanish Mackerel, Blues and Jacks are pounding on the schools of mullet, glass minnows, butterfish and greenies. There were only three or four slot Reds landed, one was Mike's at 23" and one was Tony Swiderski's at 24". There were a lot of monsters that came over the rails and returned to the water. The Mangrove Snapper bite slowed but Tony landed two that were 13" and 15" and Mike got one that was 11". A lot of undersized Snook came over the rails and Jose Dore of Palm Bay landed quite a few of those. Finger mullet was the bait of choice for Snook. Photos two - five are courtesy of Mike. Photo two is of Mike and Tony with their slot Reds they landed yesterday.
Photo three is of Mike Misserville who landed his 30" slot Snook using live shrimp.
Photo four is of Mike White of Sebastian with a 31" slot Snook he landed.
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